( Formerly Known as Smt. M. M. Shah Mahila Arts College, Kadi )

Opp. Highway Petrol Pump, KADI - 382715 | Dist : Mehsana (N.G) | PH : (02764) 242072
Time :- 7.30 a.m to 1:30 p.m | Visitors - 99980
Email Id :- [email protected]

Anti Ragging Anti Sexual Harassment Committee

Anti-Ragging/ Anti Sexual Harassment Committee

Anti-Ragging Committee
Anti-Ragging Committee Guidelines

Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University has come up with an anti-ragging policy and committee: To prevent ragging in the campus and also take proper action against those who are indulging in it. To root out ragging in all its forms from the institution by prohibiting it by law and preventing its occurrence by following the provisions of the Regulations of Supreme Court and UGC. Spell out suitable punishments to those found guilty.

1. Composition of Anti-Ragging Committee

The College has constituted a Committee as the Anti-Ragging Committee headed by the Head of the Institution, and a diverse mix of faculty, senior students and non-teaching staff to avoid any form of conflict that could take the ugly form of ragging.

2. Functions of the Anti-Ragging Committee

To ensure compliance with the provision of these regulations and any law for the time being in force concerning ragging and to deal and act promptly with the incidents of ragging. To keep tabs on the happening of events related to, in Campus or Off-campus or other designed places in the premises.

To conduct such enquiry observing a fair and transparent procedure and the principles of natural justice and after giving adequate opportunity to the student or students accused of ragging and other witnesses to place before it the facts, documents and views concerning the incident of ragging and considering such other relevant information as may be to monitor and observe in the functions and performance of the Anti-Ragging Committee in the prevention and curbing or ragging in the institution.

3. Role of the Administration Action

The Institution shall punish the student found guilty of ragging after following the procedure and in the manner prescribed herein under:

The Anti-Ragging Committee of the Institution shall take an appropriate decision, in regard to punishment or otherwise, depending on the facts of each incident of ragging and the nature and gravity of the incident of ragging established in the recommendations of the Anti-Ragging Committee.

The Anti-Ragging Committee depending on the nature and gravity of the guilt will follow up the punishment based on the committee’s Further, the Institution can refer to the Affiliating University to act according to the UGC Regulations and State Act on curbing the menace of ragging.

4. Punishment

As per the rules of the college and rule of anti ragging, cancellation of admission or rustication from the Institution. Registration of FIR against the accused and Prosecution under the Indian Penal Code.

Anti-sexual Harassment guidelines

As per the Supreme Court Judgment and guidelines issued in the year 1997 to provide for the effective enforcement of the basic human right of gender equality and guarantee against sexual harassment and abuse, more particularly against sexual harassment at workplaces, the University Grants Commission (UGC) has issued circulars since 1998, to all the universities, advising them to establish a permanent cell and a committee and to develop guidelines to combat sexual harassment, violence against women and ragging in colleges and universities. Keeping the above guidelines in mind the institution has constituted a Committee against Sexual Harassment.


To provide a congenial environment of gender equality and against sexual harassment for the well-being of the staff and students.


To promote awareness among students about gender justice and harmonious coexistence through campaigns and other awareness.
To constitute a panel/committee for redressal of grievances relating to sexual.


  • To develop guidelines and norms for policies against sexual harassment.
  • To develop principles and procedures to combat sexual harassment.
  • To work out details for the implementation of it.
  • To prepare a detailed plan of action, both short and long-term.
  • To organize a gender sensitization awareness.
  • To deal with cases of discrimination and sexual harassment in a time-bound manner, aiming at ensuring support services to the cell considers sexual harassment to include unwelcome sexually determined behavior whether directly or by implication such as-
  • A demand or request for sexual
  • Sexually coloured
  • Showing of any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of a sexual.

The following issues also come under the purview of the committee



Jokes causing or likely to cause discomfort or

Gender-based insults or sexist

Unwelcome sexual overtone in any manner such as over the telephone (obnoxious telephone calls) and the Touching or brushing against any part of the body and the displaying of pornographic or other offensive or derogatory pictures, cartoons, pamphlets or forcible physical touch or molestation Physical confinement against one’s will and any other act likely to violate one’s.